Introducing the 2N3904 and 2N2222 transistors, two popular choices for general-purpose amplifier and switching applications. Both transistors are widely used in electronic circuits due to their high performance and reliability. The 2N3904 is a NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with a maximum current rating of 200mA and a maximum voltage rating of 40V. It is suitable for low-power amplification and switching tasks, making it a versatile choice for hobbyists and professionals alike. On the other hand, the 2N2222 is also a NPN BJT but with a higher current and voltage rating compared to the 2N3904. With a maximum current rating of 600mA and a maximum voltage rating of 40V, the 2N2222 is better suited for medium-power amplification and switching applications. Both transistors are housed in TO-92 packages, making them easy to work with and suitable for a wide range of projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced electronics enthusiast, the 2N3904 and 2N2222 transistors are excellent choices for your electronic circuits.