The 2N7002 is a small signal N-channel MOSFET designed for use in a wide range of applications including switch, load switch, and amplifier circuits. With a low threshold voltage and high-speed switching capabilities, the 2N7002 is ideal for use in low-power and low-voltage applications. This MOSFET is available in a small SOT-23 surface-mount package, making it suitable for compact and space-constrained designs. The 2N7002 features a low on-state resistance, allowing for efficient power handling and minimal power dissipation. Its high input impedance makes it compatible with a wide range of input signals. This device is also designed to withstand high energy pulses in the avalanche and commutation mode, ensuring reliable performance in demanding operating conditions. With its compact size, low threshold voltage, and high-speed switching capabilities, the 2N7002 is a versatile and reliable option for a variety of small signal applications.