The 2N7002 is a popular N-channel MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) designed for a wide range of electronic applications. This small signal MOSFET is known for its high-speed switching capabilities, low threshold voltage, and low on-resistance, making it an ideal choice for use in amplifiers, power management circuits, and other high-frequency applications. With a compact TO-236AB package and a pinout consisting of three lead terminals (gate, source, and drain), the 2N7002 is easy to integrate into various circuit designs. Its small form factor and low power consumption make it suitable for portable and battery-powered devices. The 2N7002 is capable of handling up to 60 volts of continuous drain-source voltage and a maximum continuous drain current of 115mA, making it suitable for a wide range of low to medium power applications. Its versatility and reliability make it a popular choice for hobbyists, students, and professional electronics engineers alike.