Introducing the FQH44N10, a powerful and efficient MOSFET transistor designed for high voltage applications. This N-channel MOSFET offers a low on-state resistance, making it ideal for power management and voltage regulation in a wide range of electronic devices and systems. With a drain-source voltage rating of 100V and a continuous drain current of 44A, the FQH44N10 can handle high power loads with ease, making it suitable for demanding industrial and automotive applications. Its fast switching speed and high input impedance further enhance its performance, allowing for reliable and responsive power control. This MOSFET transistor is housed in a rugged and compact TO-247 package, providing excellent thermal performance and durability. Its robust construction and high-quality materials make it well-suited for use in harsh operating environments. Whether you're designing power supplies, motor controls, or voltage converters, the FQH44N10 is the ideal choice for your high voltage switching needs. Trust in its exceptional performance and reliability for your next project.