Introducing "Linear Integrated Circuits" by Salivahanan, a comprehensive and accessible resource for students and professionals studying the fundamentals of linear integrated circuits. This book is designed to provide a clear understanding of the theoretical concepts and practical applications of linear integrated circuits, including operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, and signal processing circuits. The author, Salivahanan, is a renowned expert in the field of electronics and communication engineering, and his expertise shines through in the clarity and depth of the content presented in this book. With an emphasis on practical problem-solving and real-world applications, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, analyze, and troubleshoot linear integrated circuits. Whether you are a student looking to grasp the essential concepts of linear integrated circuits or a professional seeking to deepen your understanding of the subject, "Linear Integrated Circuits" by Salivahanan is an invaluable resource that will enhance your knowledge and proficiency in this critical area of electronics engineering.