A rectifier diode is a semiconductor device that is used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) by allowing the flow of current in only one direction. It is commonly used in power supplies, battery chargers, and other electronic circuits where a stable DC voltage is required. The rectifier diode is designed to have a high forward voltage drop when conducting current in the forward direction and a very low reverse leakage current when blocking reverse voltage. This characteristic makes it ideal for converting AC to DC, as it allows the diode to efficiently rectify the AC waveform. Our rectifier diodes are manufactured using high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technology to ensure reliable and efficient performance. They are available in various packages and specifications to suit different applications and are widely used in industries such as automotive, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. With their high reliability and excellent performance, our rectifier diodes are the perfect choice for your power conversion needs.