The 1n5822 is a high current, low voltage Schottky diode designed for use in power rectification applications. This diode features a low forward voltage drop and high surge capability, making it ideal for use in power supplies, DC-DC converters, and battery chargers. With a maximum forward current rating of 3 amps and a maximum reverse voltage rating of 40 volts, the 1n5822 can handle a wide range of power applications. The 1n5822 is housed in a DO-201AD package, which provides excellent thermal performance and high reliability. Its compact size and durable construction make it well-suited for use in space-constrained and harsh environment applications. With its fast switching performance and low power loss, the 1n5822 offers an efficient solution for power rectification needs. It is widely used in various industrial, automotive, and consumer electronics applications. Overall, the 1n5822 is a reliable and high-performance diode that meets the demanding requirements of modern power electronics.